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Investment Properties

The UK residential real estate market continues to be very attractive for investors wishing to achieve strong rental incomes and capital uplifts.

There is a chronic under supply in UK residential property. House building continues to fall far short of what is required to meet demand. The shortage of residential property supply has spanned decades, with successive Governments failing to materially address the issue.

UK house building continues to face specific issues, over and above that of the wider UK macro economic trends. In particular:

  • A systemic shortage of tradesmen due to Brexit, coupled with a general reduction in apprenticeships and people wishing to enter the building trade
  • An increase in building material costs, in addition to wider supply chain uncertainty
  • A challenging planning permission environment, led by legislation around renewable energy provision and carbon zero legislation
  • A significant increase in the cost of any available finance for developers

All the above factors are contributing to a far lower supply of new build properties. This is in stark contrast to the constantly increasing national demand, driven by an ageing population, net migration and societal trends (e.g divorce rates, single person dwellings)

Off-Market Investment opportunities

Many of our investment opportunities are exclusive to Pi and cannot be publicly marketed on our website as the vendors require discretion.

In some instances we can provide partial information on investment opportunities and they will appear on the website where it is permissible. The full information will be released to interested investors once qualified and where required, a non-disclosure agreement has been signed.

Due diligence

We carry out extensive due diligence on all real estate investment opportunities to ascertain if they meet our investment criteria and returns profile. We thoroughly research the area, employment, infrastructure and transport both current and planned, demand, and sold prices of similar real estate.

Crulicaly, we use our extensive network of vendors built up over the past twenty years to seek out investment opportunities in which market dislocation can be capitalised on. With the result of an immediate capital uplift upon purchase in addition to future capital growth potential, and rental income.

UK residential house prices: 2005 – 2021

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If you are serious about property investment…

…and wish to benefit from our investment opportunities, we would welcome the opportunity to speak to you.